Gender, inclusivity and diversity statement

The organizing committee for the VI Latin American Crystallographic Association Meeting (LACA2024) declares its commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusivity during the meeting and satellite events in agreement with the scope of the association regarding the stimulation and furthering of structural sciences and the exchange between scientists in the region and the world.

To fulfill this commitment, we will ensure gender balance and geographical diversity in the International Scientific Committee in confidence that it will help reduce bias and carry out the following policy.

In terms of geographical representation, LACA has always been committed to encourage participation from all countries in our meetings, making the association´s meeting itinerate through the continent to facilitate participation of a higher number of scientists, representing a diverse continent.

For LACA2024 we commit to:

A minimum of 40 % female chairs in micro symposia and oral speakers.

At least one oral contribution from a scientist from every Latin American country present in the meeting.

Distributing bursaries for young scientists ensuring geographical diversity and gender. In the latter, we will distribute bursaries in accordance with gender distribution within the applicants only if there is at least a 30 % of female applicants.

With these measures we hope to support the professional growth and advancement of every scientist present by making the meeting more diverse and inclusive, where ideas are exchanged with the utmost respect for each other.

Both LACA and the organizing committee fully agree with the IUCr Gender Equity and Diversity Statement and the IUCr Gender Equity and Diversity Committee Code of Conduct. If you are planning to attend the meeting, we urge you to read them and respect them. The LACA2024 organizing committee reserves the right to prohibit those who contravene the code of conduct from attending the meeting.

Gender and Diversity contact person for the meeting is Prof. Natalia Alvarez (, feel free to contact her if any issues that make you uncomfortable arise.